Introducing 2Blog

Let’s learn how to use 2Blog to publish and share our games and quizzes from last term.

Getting Started

This video shows you how to create a new personal blog in Purple Mash. This blog is just for you, the only other people who can see it are teachers. It is great way to start because you can learn how it works before posting to a blog shared with others.

Your First Post

Now that you have a blog page, you can make your first post. You can add text, pictures and links to your work. You can format your text to make your post look more interesting. Watch the video to see how.

Tip: play the video to see part of the process. Then pause and try it yourself. Play on when you have mastered the technique.

Another Post

A blog with just one post isn’t really a blog. Add another post to see what happens to your blog page.


When a blog is shared with other people, it is an option to allow them to comment on posts. A comment is a short message that appears below the post. A post can have many comments.

In your own blog, it is only you (or teachers) that can make comments. Nevertheless, add some comments to your posts to see how they work.

Vocabulary Revision

A web site that is updated with news and views.
An individual item of news on a blog. A post moves down the page when the next one is made. Post can be formatted to make them look appealing.
People can write a short message to show what they think about a post.